Sunday, February 17, 2008

Another Planet Glee evening.

It seems that all I feel like writing about is the show. I still haven't returned the broken DVD player, so I haven't watched any of the films I want to review like Faute a Fidel, for example.

Meanwhile, the show was really fun. I was worried that it was becoming more like a job than something really inspiring. But I met two musicians this past Friday whom I liked a lot.

Back in December I put out an ad in craigslist for musicians for a cable tv show. I got about 10 responses only. Some of the music was not what I would want to feature on my show. SO, I did respond to someone whose music is atmospheric and ambient. He is from the band Five-Eyed Hand. (They have a really cool logo, by the way.) He brought with him a spoken-word/singer who wrote about the Buddha with sincerity and movement.

These two thoughtful performers were on this past Friday night. And, as I couldn't have guessed, a caller on PCP (seemingly) called to "sing" with the guitar through the phone. I decided to let it happen. Actually, I thought the caller was a friend of one of the musicians. The caller started going on about defecation and sexual acts, and I thought, this is Planet Glee... But the guy was not a friend of the musicians. Even so, he kept calling.

We had fun anyway...


Nicolás Díaz said...

I wish I could watch Planet Glee.

Jen Zen said...

el trece de viernes, 2015

you can watch Planet Glee. It streams on the web at the time it is live (miercoles, 6 PM PST docero et quatrero de la mes

please go to sf commons on the website top banner!

I'm back in black!!!