Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Birthday to me and thank the gods for Zante's

Happy Birthday, Jennifer. Yes...born on the day before Jesus. Many restaurants were closed today. I'm so lucky. One friend took me to dinner last night (we had Indian/Pakistani food), one friend took me to lunch today at a place in the Haight called Cafe for the People (I think that is its name; the sweet punk rock girl behind the counter gave me a free chai for my birthday), and tonight another friend took me out to dinner. Every restaurant on Valencia and Cortland was closed tonight. I knew Zante's would be open. They got to be pretty packed. It's an Indian restaurant, and I had my fill of naan and chai for another night!

So far my holiday vacation from work has been pretty fun. I still haven't returned the dvd player that doesn't work. I watched a vhs this week, a French film from the early nineties called UN COEUR EN HIVER. I have no idea what winter (hiver) has to do with this film. Daniel Auteuil is the star, and he gives his usual enigmatic performance.

I want to get a dvd player soon. At least I won't miss the Joe Strummer film at the Red Vic this week.

It's my birthday night, and I'm spending it with the two cats, Pablo and Budders. Pablito really likes the fact that I sleep in in the mornings, because he's tired then, too. Maybe I'll paint tomorrow during the day before I go over to my friends' house.

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