Thursday, November 11, 2010

OMG, Veteran's Day, piercings and meditation

I used to never like Veteran's Day--too depressing. Every radio or television show would recount some historical event for veterans in war...what a downer!!! My deceased and beloved friend, Bro Jud Presmont (look him up on Wikipedia) was a veteran. He told everyone that he had been diagnosed with PTSD and paranoid schizophrenia. I don't remember his ever having taken anti-psychotic medications, though. Apparently it really manifested itself when Jud was at Bellevue Hospital in NYC for "delusions of grandeur." He had declared himself the founder of a new religion. This religion had as its centerpiece an African woman who jumps out of a comic strip. Her name is Kerista.

All the time I knew Jud I never really understood Kerista fully. He had many pieces of artwork and writings on the subject. Perhaps there should be a Keristan Museum somewhere, either in New York City or San Francisco. That would be cool.

Meanwhile, all the day was spent in dreamland for me. I did wake up early--around noon. But the weather was so dreamy and I didn't want to care about anything. SO, I went to Braindrops and tried out a new piercing. That's what I do when I'm feeling like having some physical sensation without getting injured.

Tonight I had a meditation class...psychic meditation. I think this time the meditation-- and all I'm working on it--will change my life. This sounds horribly corny, and I can't believe I'm writing it.

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