Saturday, March 01, 2008

Listening to The Smiths and this week, among other things.

For the past week, I've felt weird, because I've had a sinus infection and a cold. There seem to be things that go wrong when one is not "well," I suppose. The littlest annoyance has univeral and cosmic significance.

Meanwhile, back in August I discovered a Morrissey cd at the thrift store. The cd is called "Bona Drag." In any case, I got into listening to his lyrics and melodies. When The Smiths were happening in the eighties, I wasn't into them AT ALL. I was a complete and total punk girl. No frilly Smiths for me, thank you. I suppose if I could have gotten past their style (not fast or hard enough for me then), I could have listened to lyrics that were, in fact, quite political and addressed alot of issues about love and death, among other things.

I bought "Meat is Murder" a month or so ago. It has a young British soldier on the cover replicated four times into a square. Respect for all life forms is more than evident in this cd. I could go on, but I'm not typing very well right now. M Ore later.

1 comment:

Nicolás Díaz said...

Val (my best friend when I was a teenager) and I used to listen to Bona Drag over and over again. It was one of the soundtracks of those days, along with Cocteau Twins albums.

Get well soon. Hugs.
