Monday, December 05, 2005

Mermaids and Guitars plus Love Energy and Good-byes

I played my guitar tonight. The back is coming off of it. About 12 years ago I bought it for $90. from a French guy who had bought it in France. It's an Ibanez and therefore was probably made in Japan. I always had a problem with the high end being kind of gritty, but the guitar has been around a long while and has it's own unique sound like all guitars do. I was watching a Naveen Andrews interview on tv about six months ago, and he has a massive acoustic guitar collection. I'm sure real musicians do, too. My guitar collection consists of the Ibanez and and a Gretsch electric. My preference is to play electric, but to do open mics one has to use an acoustic guitar--for some reason!?

Tomorrow night I want to do an open mic at Sacred Grounds, a very love energy kind of place in the upper Haight on the Hayes Street side of the panhandle.

Love of Ganesha will be my stop before I go off to the open mic. Love of Ganesha is on Haight and Central and another store on Ashbury and Page. I love these two stores (how can one love a store??) and try to go to both as often as I can. There are meditation rooms in both stores.

I met someone through the Love of Ganesh store. He is from Nicaragua. He makes jewelry. Our relationship for that one evening and part of the next day was special to me in some way. Perhaps I admire his sense of freedom. He lives at home with his parents and doesn't have to worry about necessary bills. He doesn't even own a pair of shoes that he bought to fit him! He has dreadlocks and considers himself part of the young hippie love scene.

The show Bro Jud on Love Energy is a cable access one that I am on once a month. I've been with the show for 5 years. We are always considering different methods and modes and ways of speaking about love energy. I must have something in common with my young lover and therefore we were brought together. He called me "La Sirena." It is a quandary to me why mermaids are often depicted alone. Can anyone help me with the details of the myths about mermaids? (I'd like to make a song of it.)

I'm so glad to be blogging again!

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