Saturday, April 25, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Impersonation by Connie Bryan

I needed a laugh or two after my week, being rejected for an artist's grant by the San Francisco Mayor's Office.  Do you think they might have seen the shows where I DEMYSTIFY the supposed intelligence of this mayor and her uncertain credentials for public office??  Maybe SHE got an artist's grant, huh?  Why not, nobody knows what kind of job she had before she ran for mayor!  A realtor or realtor's assistant?  A manager at Ross or Marshall's??  Where else could she find those over-sized plus X suits??  Or, maybe a clerk at Sally Beauty, specializing in taming the wave???  No, I think she was a security guard in the Westfield's Mall!!  How else could her 'office' overlook granting (lol) your humble servant on Planet Glee, Jenneefur, a well-known artist in many genres, a little grant for all the free and gratis work on raising the consciousness of the San Francisco public??  Only those who can read could consider me for a grant.  I suppose that solves the mystery; artists aren't supposed to be able to write in English, or French, or German or Spanish, like me.  Oh yeah, that must be it.  I'd rather be able to read and write than play with watercolors!!

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