Friday, April 17, 2020

A New Role and on the Dole?

In the afternoon today, Friday April 17th, I'll be asked to perform for a documentary film on our coping with the Covid-19 virus.  The film is a major extension and expansion of a 3-minute short made for the Covd-19 Film Festival which was begun on instagram and aired a week ago Friday.

Amir Jaffer is the Filmmaker for this project called 'Alone Together.'  I think Amir ses that we are all connected whether we are conscious of this fact or not.  What happens to everyone is absorbed by the collective unconscious of the one and of the many.

I have spent days just dwelling on how things used to be, what kinds of music soothed me when I was feeling trapped, and how I can extend my artistic vision to other forms of art besides, music, performance, and film. 

I have been doing my public access television show, Planet Glee, for almost 13 years here in San Francisco.  It has always been a show dedicated to the expression of Love and Respect for the kindness within every human being.  Planet Glee is a platform for the expression of freedom to choose whom you will be in given situations.  Hopefully, you will inspire others to be equally free to be regardless of classism, racism and imperialism.

This metaphor for a planet yet-to-be-discovered in the universe is Planet Glee.  I remember I was a guest on French American TV here in San Francisco, and Aline the host asked me, 'c'est ton planete.'  No, it's not my planet. I am a communicator for the possibilities that a new planet might bring to the imagination of the artist that is within everyone.

So, since I have received no monetary recompense for having done Planet Glee so long, I have to apply for unemployment insurance just like many people around the world.  So, tomorrow I will do my application online.  I have been working for a formerly successful cat sitting business owned by a woman here in San Francisco.

When she takes a needed vacation, she travels to sub Saharan Africa.  She is, not surprisingly, and animal rights activist.  She goes on trecks to see the animals she loves.  I really admire her for this.

In any case, I haven't been on a vacation in a long,  My vacation from my world is performance and doing Planet Glee.  So, I'll be doing some acting tomorrow for Amir's film.  I'll also be answering personal questions about how I'm coping with the Shelter in Place.  I'll write more about this after we film some time tomorrow!!


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