Saturday, May 16, 2009

What would we do without Foucault, et. al.?

I watched some of the UC Santa Barbara television tonight. I don't know if it's a course or something, but I've seen some thoughtful things on the University of California tv station. ONe program was on the necessity of helping students with autism at the university become more social and socially conscious. Too bad Bill Gates didn't get the help he needed to think more about others and how to interact with them.

Which brings me to another computer-related issue. Tonight's program was from UC Santa Barbara on Web 2.0. The instructor (a former employee of some major US corporation) asked the question, "What is Web 2.0?" A student answered that it was a way for many people to create their own websites for major networking Another student said that it is "a buzzword that doesn't mean anything." Gracias a Dios, there is someone thinking about the power of language over consciousness--and therefore belief systems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love and energy
Is this a cult, cause I'm in. As long as I get to meet Bro Jud that is.

Bro Jud