Sunday, October 26, 2008

I have a kitten, or what about Amma's ashram?

My kitten's name is Joaquin. I have had him since the middle of September. He is very playful. I can't determine whether he is "smart" or what would call "wild." While I'm sitting here typing, he is clawing my bare heels from behind the chair I'm sitting in. It hurts! I threw him one of his cloth mice. Mice like to be played with.

Amma's ashram is in San Ramon. It is one of the most restful places I've been matter how much chai I drink there. Back in September I got to make a Ganesh out of clay. I really liked him. All the people at the ashram that day made Ganeshes, and the figures were to be put into the lake on for Ganesh Charthurti. Tonight was a pleasant night. I hadn't seen so many stars since I've been in the woods. I'm sorry I missed the talk and more bhajans. But that is because I don't meditate enough! This is my New Year's resolution at the end of October.

One of the books I'm reading is A Beginner's Guide to Tibetan Buddhism. I remember having read Georg Feuerstein's Tantra... and getting a sense of the abstraction that is belief.

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