Friday, September 26, 2008


Yes, the beginning of the eighties was really gross and the real sign of the end. What comes after the end a few people have guesses about, but enlightened beings know better: mediation, love and compassion are necessary before succumbing to the end.

Meanwhile, there are quite a few films on the commercial American market that are "political" in nature. They depict political figures and etc. I don't much about the Coen Brothers and their politics, but since they too are putting out a film that is setting in the United States capital, Washington, D.C., they are jumping onto the political swingset.

BURN AFTER READING is a most forgettable film. Although I liked some of the acting, the script was painful. The lighting in this film is film noir meets greyed out color lamps. Visually, this film is a nightmare.

And far be it from me to guess what these directors have intended. Yet the fact that they have put out a political film--"dark comedy," ridiculousness with the callous edge of the mind celebrated, I can't see anything positive in viewing this film. Supposedly Joel Coen reads Physics. He should try reading Gary Zukav and give us something to really think and feel about.


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Jen Zen said...

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I am just now getting to read some of my blog comments. Are you on Facebook? Do you also want to be Facebook friends? I am on there as Jennifer Glee.
thanks for writing to me...