Sunday, May 20, 2007

PAN'S LABORYNTH and the Himalayan Fair.

I've gone to the Himalayan Fair for the past nine years. It has always been eventful. There is always a musical or dance event that is fascinating. There is always someone that one meets that one hasn't seen in a long time and the meeting is good. I have a poem about something that happened at the fair when I went by myself. Today I went with my friend toward the very end of the day. The last performance of the day was taking place: the closing blessing ceremony by Tibetan snow lion dancers.

When we looked at the booths, there was a lot to see--as usual! But, then again, it was Sunday, and (hopefully) the vendors had sold most of their good stuff. I tried on a Nepalese patchwork skirt with panel of the eyes of the Buddha hovering over the vagina. I thought it really tantric, but it didn't fit quite right. I don't like having a belly sticking out!!!

Meanwhile, there was more to say about that, but Blogger is rushing me through. (Usually I take a break and come back to a blog...)

PAN'S LABORYNTH was as magical as I thought it would be. My friends and I wondered about the scene where Ofelia is in the bathtub. A cleansing ritualist symbol or suggestive of child sexuality?

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