Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's been so long since I've blogged.

July 4th I cleaned a friend's toilet and surrounding areas. July 5th I thought of an old karma bum of mine. The 11th brougt the full moon and attempts to read from Amma but a better sense of "Pee Wee's Playhouse.' But today, July 14th, I saw a film that I thought rocked very hard in so many ways.

That film is "Crossing the Bridge--The Sound of Istabul." It was narrated and by Alex Hacke, the bass player for Einsturzende Neubauten. I saw them play at the Fillmore in summer of 2000. Now I was seeing this guy playing music with some very esoteric Turkish musicians. The film takes off to reveal so many aspects of Turkish music, for example the fact that one may find a 5/8 beat pattern or a 1/3 1/3 3.

If you've heard of Mercan Dede, you've heard of one of the more well-known experimental/house/beat in Turkey. A well-known rapper was interviewed. He sees rap as a political vehicle more than sounds about sex, violence and gangster stuff. Ah, this film had so much depth in showing the people of Turkish music from the street musicians to the Turkish elite of music. Even Kurdish music and that Romany were heard.

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