Saturday, January 28, 2006

The stomach speaks volumes and reports the news.

Tonight I went to my Psychic Horizons class on "Walking Your Path." We do about 4-5 meditations and then do healings on each other afterward. It is very strange that the person who healed me saw clawed hands groping continously outward from my third chakra. I did feel a little bit sick before I went over there (I had a headache). At this point in the evening I feel like my stomach is going to burst and my intestines will implode with the force of fifty-six balloons. Actually the pain is bad but not that bad. I hope it goes away.

My stomach has news to relate: there is debate going in in this household that Jeremy Hawkins' The Bride and Her Bachelor's Hot Air ( a novel of some innovation) is readable and therefore enjoyable. Has anyone read it and could you review it with me somehow--(via "comments" or whatever).

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The nut is at the table.

I'm writing this in letter form because it feels better this way. If you've read about my job in some of the other blogs, you'll know that I have a karmically, physically, emotionally and spiritually demanding job. I work with small children with huge disabilities. Five of them have autism, and the rest cerebral palsy. I have 3 assistants, all supposed adults.

One of the assistants is new. She has already put me down in front of the principal. Today I looked in one of the children's backpacks at the end of the day to discover that this assistant had told the others at the cafeteria table that she was not going to give this lunch that the parents had provided for the girl to her. This assistant claimed that the food was "too full of junk and sugar and she (the little six-year-old) shouldn't eat it.

Tomorrow I will tell the principal about this act of child abuse.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Broken Flowers and mended skirts.

Is it me or does Bill Murray in major dramatic roles sound like one of the most boring images one could think of? Tonight I am
spending most of the time writing on the computer because I rented the film "Broken Flowers" and I could only stand the first half of it until I am truly repulsed but able to keep the sound on. At this writing the Don Johnston character is meeting his son or something. The dialogue sounds unusually intimate.

Meanwhile there was a very beautiful but small shrine to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at Love of Ganesha today. I asked them if they'd leave it up until Sunday so that I might read the written material they had on him.

It's been a week since I've blogged.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Accupuncture and Genocide

I asked my accupuncturist today, Dr. Xing Fu, if he could predict what the Year of the Dog will be like. He said, "Nice, like a dog. You like dogs?" "Yes," I said, another needle going into my leg. I had a wonderful dream while full of pins but can remember it. I know it didn't have anything to do with dogs.

Tonight my friend showed part of a video on "Utopia and Terrorism," The professor who did most of the lecturing spoke about the fact that this past century as well as this one have been the most violent in human history, killing masses of people in an attempt to create a kind of utopia out of some philosophical or religious conviction.

"Peace" is such nebulous word. Do we know what it really can mean?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Year of the Dog

I'm wondering what the year of the Dog, 2006, will be like. Today at work our nurse in the classroom (one of our students has such violent seizures that a nurse must monitor her) took time off from her schedule to search for a dog on the web for the Year of the Dog. She came up with some very cool designs. If I had more computer skills and a scanner, I would have put the images on this blog. Ah, more technology!

Another friend of mine was telling me about an important person she, her husband, and a friend met on their trip to Death Valley. They met a woman named Marta Becket. She is still a popular entertainer at the age of 82. She has been in the theatre and tv industries since she was a child in New York City. Her theatre, which she painted murals all over, is located somewhere less than 100 miles outside of Las Vegas in the desert. I have yet to find out information about this woman on the net. It's time to think about sleep and work and all that. But I will put her in this blog some more. If you know about her or have met her, please share your experience.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

First Day Back to Work

I'd been off since December 16th or something like that. Sleeping when I wanted to; getting up before or around 12pm. Doing all kinds of art and spiritual things, and enjoying friends and new friends. Suddenly, it was time, at some dark hour this morning, that I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep until the alarm went off. Tired. One of my roommates in the kitchen making popcorn at 7:20 in the morning in the kitchen. Stayed in the bathroom. Got to work a bit earlier than usual.

Work: keeping alert to all that happens with these young children with autism and cerebral palsy. Glad to see them in the early morning, glad to see them go in the afternoon. In the meantime trying to teach them how to use a schedule (PECs schedule), read a simple text, put puzzle pieces in place while singing "Old Mc Donald Had a Farm." Math and painting in the afternoon.

Tomorrow we'll have music.